
Tuesday, 6 September 2016

100 W.C and I thought“Well what a start”

Prompt:  and I thought“Well what a start”

I feel like throwing up, I’m shaking with fear, and sweating hard out. It’s the end of year test, the one that decided if we need another year of highschool. It’s right after break, I obviously am not going to waste my precious “non test time” hanging out or relaxing because I would blow myself up trying to. I head to the library which is crammed with people getting ready. Although I was annoyed I don’t blame them, they’re as nervous as me, “BRINGGGG”. It’s a nightmare. “You may start--NOW!!!” I started, “Huh”. and I think“Well what a start”


  1. Wow, Pavitra, I enjoyed your work. I could feel your nervous apprehension. Good choice of words.

  2. I love your first sentence, "I feel like throwing up, I’m shaking with fear, and sweating hard out." It gives three examples to support the idea that you are nervous.

  3. Well done! I really feel the tension of your feelings and you have brought your actions in the story to life.

  4. katie bidston avenue16 September 2016 at 02:08

    hi i just wanna say i think your work is amazing this one is my faverioute and its really interesting keep up the good work.
